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Jim Mackin

Welcome to
Notable New Yorkers
I've always been a reader, researcher, and collector of interesting facts. I am also a good walker - trips to new neighborhoods, cities, or countries always include miles and miles of walking. When I come home, a comfortable chair, a good history book, and a few free hours are my idea of a good time. Over the last few years, my interests have been close to home - I've been hunting for notables who at one time lived in my neighborhood, the Bloomingdale and Morningside Heights section of Manhattan. My search went well and resulted in a manuscript of more than 1400 notables. Not surprisingly, Fordham University Press wanted me to trim it down - only 591 made the cut. This website contains over 800 notables who could not be included in the book - I did not want these important people to be forgotten.
My hope is, like me, you will enjoy walking in my neighborhood and reading about some remarkable people. I guarantee you that the notables in my book and on this website will make very good company.

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